Grateful to be part of OH Senior Center | Letter

Editor, I want to thank all of the amazing members of the Oak Harbor Senior Center for your friendship and your support for the center and your enthusiastic involvement in every one of the exciting things we have accomplished since I was privileged to serve you as your program coordinator over the past year and one half.


I want to thank all of the amazing members of the Oak Harbor Senior Center for your friendship and your support for the center and your enthusiastic involvement in every one of the exciting things we have accomplished since I was privileged to serve you as your program coordinator over the past year and one half.

I was touched and blessed by the spirit, generosity and undying loyalty to our center.

I have been amazed by the creative ways you have all shared of yourselves to care for one another.

It saddens me deeply that I can no longer be part of you, but I will never forget the gifts of strength and spirit and true grit that I have seen in the eyes of every person I have met.

Thank you for opening your hearts to me. It has been a pleasure to serve you.

Barb Spence

Oak Harbor