Question of the Week: What do you want to do when you “grow up?”

Question of the Week: What do you want to do when you “grow up?”


“I’m going to college to become a pediatrician, so medical school. …I like helping young adults and kids with dietary stuff, and I think it’d be a good job.”

Noah Wilson

OHHS graduate











“I’m going to The Beauty Institute in Bellingham, and I’m planning to become a cosmetologist.”

Madison Pewitt

OHHS graduate












“I hope to be an astrophysicist, and I’ll be attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University to major in space physics. My side goal is to be an astronaut, hopefully go to Mars. At my school, 90 percent of [the students are] male…and my field is 98 percent male, so I hope to dominate.”

Patricia Sablan

OHHS graduate









“I’m going into the Navy. And I’d like to start a watch-making company.”

Dymond Piper

OHHS graduate