Lack of awareness is Democrats’ downfall | Letter

The Democratic Party is completely out of step with the people of America. But, I prefer Democrat. After eight years of George W. Bush, and now six years of President Barack Obama, our nation is still involved in war, still torturing innocent people, still favoring Wall Street, still without a public option for health care and still ignoring polluters.


The Democratic Party is completely out of step with the people of America. But, I prefer Democrat. After eight years of George W. Bush, and now six years of President Barack Obama, our nation is still involved in war, still torturing innocent people, still favoring Wall Street, still without a public option for health care and still ignoring polluters.

The real problem is clearly Democrats’ inability to listen to their critics. Instead, they call people names.

Name calling, like “birther” or “truther,” does not address the questions that 30 percent of Americans are raising about their nation. Now, with the war machine ramping up yet again, many Democrats are silent on the deadly noise and air pollution that is in our skies over Whidbey.

The Seattle Times reported that 27 million marine mammals will be killed by the Navy/Air Force testing in the Puget Sound, yet our Democratic leaders are silent on this issue.

Legalization of recreational use of marijuana passed 16 months ago, but still no dispensaries have been licensed. That is a potential loss of $500 million in state revenue. The Democratically led Washington legislators have amassed a $90 billion state debt. That is a $75 billion waste over five years of overspending. Need I continue?

When I complained at Democratic meetings about the War in Iraq, I was told to “Shut up.”

They then ratified the war. When I questioned excessive spending about road work like railing along Deception Pass State Park costing $1,000 per linear foot, I was told to “Get a life.” This Democratic Party is completely unresponsive.

So it does not surprise me that they will not endorse my candidacy for State House of Representatives.

Now it is up to the voters to say, “Enough is enough.” I will gladly represent their concerns in Olympia. As an independent, I can work both sides of the isle and find compromises. The incumbent just knows how to spend, spend, spend.

We never needed another overpriced ferry at Keystone. We need accountability from government waste. We never needed a septic inspection on homes — there is no proven science behind it. Ninety percent of homeowners are not complying. It is a tax that no one voted on. I will work to repeal it.

I assure you, I am not the person people are describing in the press. I am not a racist. I am a man who supports our Bill of Rights.

Until people realize how far off track our nation is, we will never restore our nation to fairness and solvency.

The lack of awareness in the Democratic Party is preventing real change.

Until we can address the obvious failure of Obama at every level, we will not achieve democracy.

David Sponheim

Oak Harbor