Between now and October, Island County residents and visitors can expect considerable delays when traveling on State Highway 20 south of Coupeville.
Crews began construction between Jacobs Road and Morris Road on June 13, reducing the one-mile stretch of road to a single lane between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays.
The construction project will add a two-way left-turn lane at the Island County’s Solid Waste facility and include widening of the highway shoulder to four feet between the solid waste facility and Jacobs Road.
Shoulder closures are also expected in this area as a result.
According to the Washington State Department of Transportation, or WSDOT, the changes aim to reduce the current high rate of rear-end collisions related to vehicles turning in and out of the Solid Waste Complex.
“Community members and local elected officials expressed safety concerns regarding the Parker and Morris roads intersections with SR 20,” according to state Transportation’s project info. “In February 2013 WSDOT chose the alternative that realigns Parker Road to intersect with Morris Road and makes improvements to the Morris Road intersection with SR 20.”
Crews will work to eliminate the intersection of Parker Road and the highway, instead realigning Parker to connect to Morris Road.
Additionally, several left-turn and right-turn only lanes will be added in either direction, as well as a short center merge lane for vehicles turning left from Morris Road onto the highway, southbound.
The project will also leave the intersection of Smith Prairie Road and Highway 20 closed, though Parker Road will remain open until the realignment is complete.
Overall, Transportation said that adding the turn lanes will improve and further ensure the safety of travelers in the future.