Whidbey school districts lose in state budget cuts

After hearing from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction in October that the district should receive close to $1.1 million from the Education Jobs legislation, the Oak Harbor school board learned Monday that none of that funding will come through.

After hearing from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction in October that the district should receive close to $1.1 million from the Education Jobs legislation, the Oak Harbor school board learned Monday that none of that funding will come through.

Superintendent Rick Schulte said the money, which has to be used to retain or hire staff members, was going to supplement the 2011-2012 school year budget when Oak Harbor will lose $800,000 in stimulus money.

Additionally, Schulte said Gov. Christine Gregoire will cut the money for K-4 staffing enhancement, which the district has already committed to support the salaries of seven and a half teachers.

“We already have those seven and a half teachers, and we can’t lay those teachers off in the middle of the school year,” Schulte said.

Though these numbers reflect just a very initial glimpse into the governor’s proposed budget announced Wednesday, Schulte has already began making a list of items to possibly cut from this year’s budget to help make up for the shortfall.

He said he’s likely to cut funding for textbooks, lab and cleaning supplies, library books, copies and possibly professional development. He said he’s asked the administrators at each of the schools to start looking for areas within their own buildings that could be trimmed and hopes to have a more detailed list prepared for the board by its January meeting.

“Whatever we’re cutting this year isn’t going to be restored next year,” he said. “They’re not going to be coming back in any foreseeable time … I want to emphasize that every one of these things is key. Things we’re going to cut now are things we can’t get by without for even a short time.”

In Coupeville, the situation is looking just as bleak. According to Coupeville School District Superintendent Patty Page, the district will lose about $210,000 in Education Jobs money and about $87,000 in K-4 staffing enhancement if the governor’s proposal becomes law.

“That coupled with our loss of enrollment will have staggering effects on us,” Page said. “It basically takes away our ability to offset the cuts next year.”

Page said she will be handing out forms to district staff to help brainstorm how to make future cuts to the budget and will be forming another budget committee.

“The reality is that we are going to have to make some tough decisions,” she said. “Right now I believe that our devastating situation is our best case scenario. The Legislature will be making some more adjustments so we are going to take hits again come session.”