We should buy stock in politicians

Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac gave millions to the president and congress, receiving billions. The government teachers’ union gave the largest amount. Banks gave billions and received trillions. In today’s economy it’s hard to find a better investment.

Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac gave millions to the president and congress, receiving billions. The government teachers’ union gave the largest amount. Banks gave billions and received trillions. In today’s economy it’s hard to find a better investment.

The problem is, the individual is too small and poor to affect a good return on a politician such as Larsen or Murray, and especially Obama. My proposal is that we make it legal to buy stock in politicians. As a Wall Street offering, this would be a sure way to save and invest for the future with great returns, until the government is completely destroyed from corruption, which will take a few years.

Scott Vanderlinden

Oak Harbor