Service is their practice | Religion Notes

The weekly affirmation states that service is the practice of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation. What does this mean? Is the congregation doing what it proclaims as a central value? John Long, a member of the congregation, as well as a board member of Habitat for Humanity, will share his thoughts about how service transforms not only those served but those doing the service.

The weekly affirmation states that service is the practice of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation. What does this mean? Is the congregation doing what it proclaims as a central value? John Long, a member of the  congregation, as well as a board member of Habitat for Humanity, will share his thoughts about how service transforms not only those served but those doing the service. All are welcome Sunday, March 4, at 10 a.m., 20103 Highway 525, north of Freeland.

Children’s religious exploration classes and childcare will be provided. Check for more information.