Saul named to Housing Authority

The Board of Island County Commissioners Tuesday appointed George Saul to the county’s Housing Authority.

The Board of Island County Commissioners Tuesday appointed George Saul to the county’s Housing Authority.

Saul was active in creating the eight-occupant Oxford House sober-living home in Oak Harbor, has a can-do attitude and a gentle temperament, the commissioners said.

The housing authority, which was responsible for building the Sunny View project in Freeland, seeks to help low-income households become self-sufficient. It typically meets once a month for two hours at a time.

The Board also appointed James (“Captain”) Caspers to the county’s Planning Commission, a nine-member all-volunteer group.

This group makes recommendations to the Board of Island County Commissioners on matters concerning growth and development. It meets twice monthly.

The Planning Commission is currently working on a summary of comments made at public meetings discussing rural land use and on the Comprehensive Plan reorganization.