Retiree sees need for school levies

There are many retirees who live and vote in Oak Harbor (myself included). Why should we vote “yes” on Levy 1 and 2 on March 10? Two important reasons:

Better schools improve the future for our Navy kids. Including the current levy and generous DoD impact aid, OHSD ranks only 124th of 145 in state-wide school. Getting our Navy kids into college and good jobs like Boeing is tough, particularly given competition from better resourced schools who offer stronger math and science programs (a big difference maker). Navy parents, challenged by unprecedented deployments and family separation, have a hard time providing extra education to stay competitive. We owe it to our Navy families who are protecting us overseas to provide adequate funding level by passing both levies.

Better schools improve property values. There is a clear link between property values and school quality. A UCLA economics study showed that a 5 percent rise in test scores resulted in a 2 percent home value increase. For a $250K home, a 2 percent increase of $5K would greatly exceed proposed levy cost of $245.

Will levy funding really increase test scores? The results of the district math specialist, Brandy Ross, whose work has spurred improved scores at each school she has taught points firmly to “yes.” The most dramatic increase was at Clover Valley Elementary where scores increased over 50 percent from 2004 to 2005. OHSD reading and writing WASL scores district-wide are good; however, math and science scores are lacking. Levy 2 would provide funding for improvements technology as well as ten math specialists and teachers.

Better schools will help improve the future of our Navy kids and will also improve housing values, and our property tax rates will still be at the low end of the state.

Retirees, let’s vote yes on both levies.

Scott Gray Smith

Oak Harbor