Another suspect on Whidbey is facing charges for leading police on a potentially dangerous pursuit.
The county Planning Department granted the airport a permit to widen the runway from 25 to 60 feet.
The council approved raising utility taxes but reducing sewer rates to provide the community savings
Shavers faces a city council member and veteran and a self-described constitutionalist and Navy wife
The virtual forum is ahead of the primary election in August
The Coupeville Town Council might look into upgrading the town code.
A Greenbank resident is challenging U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen for the 2nd Congressional District seat.
Nobody was injured in a house fire early Saturday morning in North Whidbey.
The following items were selected from reports made to the Oak Harbor Police Department:
The South Whidbey School District is proposing to cut jazz band for fifth graders.
The store will be sold off if the merger between Kroger and Albertsons goes through.
Affordable housing and climate resilience are the main topics tackled in the Comp Plan update.
The man victimized approximately 383 people located across four countries and 16 states.