Object to COER’s mission of closure | Letter

Editor, Since the late 1940s, our family has owned and paid taxes on property between Deception Pass and Ault Field. We have been subjected to our share of noisy jets and have ceased talking when the jets drown out conversation.


Since the late 1940s, our family has owned and paid taxes on property between Deception Pass and Ault Field. We have been subjected to our share of noisy jets and have ceased talking when the jets drown out conversation.

But we do object to COER’s wish to excuse Coupeville’s Outlying Field from all touch-and-go flights and concentrate them at Ault Field. (And we also object on behalf of visitors to Deception Pass State Park, which is the most popular of all our state parks.)

As to COER’s suggestion to shove the Navy training into Eastern Washington or to another state altogether, that is merely COER’s NIMBYism talking.

Our United States Navy should not be handicapped in any way from whatever practicing it takes to train our young men to accomplish successful carrier landings.

Maxine Keesling

Woodinville, Wash.



