Obama vs. the clown car

As an avowed Obamunist (whatever that is supposed to mean) here are a few accomplishments:

As an avowed Obamunist (whatever that is supposed to mean) here are a few accomplishments:

Auto industry is paying back and coming back with good products; repeal of DADT; Lilly Ledbetter equal pay for women provision; removing roadblocks to student loans put up by the banking industry; and so on. Just Google and you will find many more accomplishments.

As to the one-term, the GOP has a paragon of marriage values in Gingrich, the astute historians and geographers Palin and Bachmann, 300-yard limo ride Christie, bridge builder Pawlenty, pray for rain Perry, godawful pizza guy Cain, and many more in the clown car.

Charlie Ryder
Oak Harbor