Oak Harbor honors veterans Saturday

The City of Oak Harbor called upon its residents to join in honoring veterans of the Armed Forces this Veterans Day.

The City of Oak Harbor called upon its residents to join in honoring veterans of the Armed Forces this Veterans Day.

At the regular city council meeting Wednesday evening, councilman Jim Campbell read a proclamation in honor of Veterans Day, which is Sunday, Nov. 11.

“On Veterans Day we honor the brave men and women of our Armed Forces who have fought for the security of our country and the peace of the world,” Campbell said. “We call upon the community to display the American flag and to participate in patriotic activities.”

There are several activities being held this weekend to observe Veterans Day.

The Oak Harbor Area Council of the Navy League will have its annual Veterans Day program 10 a.m. today at Oak Harbor High School.  Guest speaker is retired Rear Adm. Bill McDaniel.

The program will also include patriotic music and will focus on those veterans still in uniform.

At 2 p.m. Oak Harbor will honor the holiday with its first ever Veterans Day Parade.

The parade will begin at Midway Avenue and Pioneer Way, and will proceed through downtown on Pioneer Way, ending near Ace Hardware.