No amnesty for illegals

I moved here from Salinas, Calif. I left my home state because of illegal immigration and the problems it caused. We had drive-by shootings, fire bombings, drugs, gangs, crime, disease and graffiti.

Field workers are hired by labor contractors. These labor contractors insulate the farmer from the illegal workers. This gives the contractors a lot of power. Educated politicians use these illegals like an army. When we would go to a city council meeting there would be six of us and a hundred illegals with pre-made signs, chanting something in Spanish. Our town was gerrymandered into districts that would include enough of the proper race to get their candidate elected. As time went by they controlled almost all of the agencies and held most of the important positions.

By the way, only about two percent of illegals work in the fields. The rest are in construction, hotels, restaurants, etc., and they continue to climb the ladder of jobs that we are told Americans won’t do. A field worker makes about $10 an hour, but in many cases he is not paying for housing, medical, schooling, food or taxes, so not too bad a wage after all. You can’t find any low income housing because they have it all. I have heard that some banks are even giving them special low interest loans to buy houses.

We are Mexico’s second economy, oil being the first. That is why President Fox wants them here. He gets rid of his poor and he reaps the benefits of the billions they send home.

In ethnic studies, students are taught that the south western states belong to Mexico and they are taking them back. They call this Aztlan. There are several organizations with this in mind, La Raza, Lulac, MeChA, Maldef, the Brown Beret and others.

The students marched carrying the Mexican flag and some carried American flags. They were text messaged telling them when to join the protest by walking out of school. After the first day of protesting, they were told not to carry the Mexican flag because of the backlash it might cause by American citizens. This is not a grassroots march. They are well organized, by?

Many people have died defending this country’s sovereignty. I hope you will at least call your president, senators and congressmen and tell the no more amnesty for illegals in our country.

J.F. McCollum
