McCain can beat Democrats

Regarding Ann Adams’ March 15 letter: I haven’t heard from this writer for so long I thought she moved. She states that she voted for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, however wished she had voted for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama instead. Seems like a moot point to me, as Sen. Obama took Washington anyway. I’m sure she wrote her letter before Pastor J. Wright spewed his anti-American rhetoric in his sermons.

Watching Sen. Obama try to wiggle his way out of this problem was quite entertaining. I felt that if Sen. Clinton wins the DNC then she would be easily beat by Sen. John Sidney McCain. After Pastor Wright’s rhetoric I believe Sen. McMain can beat both of the Dems. Share a dream ticket. In the event Sen. Obama wins the White House, it’s almost assured that Congress will revert back to the Republicans. The Democratic Congress has a lower approval rating than the president does.

If Sen. Obama actually keeps his promise by pulling the troops out within the time frame, there could be a civil war and we will have to deal with Iran, Turkey and Russia. That surely will end the Democrats’ run for the White House in my lifetime. As I write this, Sen. McCain has polled even at the polls with Sen. Obama. Go figure!

William Ludlow

Oak Harbor