Letter: Move if you don’t like the sound of freedom

I read with much frustration the article concerning the petition to close the Naval Outlying Field south of Coupeville. I am always amazed at the folks who visit the island, love it here, move here and then try to change it. When I built my home in 1984 one mile east of the OLF, I knew I was in the noise zone.


I read with much frustration the article concerning the petition to close the Naval Outlying Field south of Coupeville. I am always amazed at the folks who visit the island, love it here, move here and then try to change it. When I built my home in 1984 one mile east of the OLF, I knew I was in the noise zone.

I accepted that fact as condition of realizing my dream of owning my own home of 5 acres on beautiful Whidbey Island. For me, it was a small price to pay for the freedoms I enjoy. Most of you folks that sign that petition had that same freedom to purchase or not to purchase, build or not build your home in the noise zone.

I know you have to sign a noise disclosure form when you buy property in that area stating that you are fully aware of the noise issues. I’m sorry that things didn’t turn out the way you thought they would, but I totally agree with Marilyn Engle, enough is enough. If the sound of freedom is too much, move.



Dale A. Folkestad


