LETTER: Hired guns missed the protection mark

So Coupeville is being forced to consider outsourcing its police protection? One of the principal attributes of having our own police force is the personal relationship the officers have with community members, adults and school kids alike.


So Coupeville is being forced to consider outsourcing its police protection? One of the principal attributes of having our own police force is the personal relationship the officers have with community members, adults and school kids alike.

When they know local people by name, there is a whole different dynamic whereby everyone, both police and citizens in partnership, are responsible together for behavior and safety within the community.

You do not get this dynamic with hired guns from outside the community. But for those whose single-minded ideology is to cut taxes to the bone no matter the adverse effect on services, I guess this would be the way to go. We will be the poorer for it when our overall quality of life and community spirit are taken into account.

Some things actually are worth the money. You’ll miss those things when they’re gone.

Bill Viertel



