Letter: Fireworks law needs to be changed now for next year

Editor, Hopefully everyone had a safe holiday. For those who have a hard time tolerating the noise and pollution of the firecrackers every July 4th, now is the time for use to get together and get the laws changed to limit the fireworks on Whidbey Island.


Hopefully everyone had a safe holiday. For those who have a hard time tolerating the noise and pollution of the firecrackers every July 4th, now is the time for use to get together and get the laws changed to limit the fireworks on Whidbey Island.

The commissioners have the power to limit them to the one-day holiday and to limit the hours to 11 p.m. — like they are in Coupeville and other counties.

Next year July 4th is on Friday, so it will be much louder, higher and hotter with the new fireworks available. They are more dangerous every year.

If your pets, wildlife, you children, elderly and soldiers with PTSD had a hard time this year it will be worse next year.

Why should a one-day holiday be stressful for so many days?

You can do something right now to make a change. Email or call your Island County Commissioners and convince them to write an ordinance to change the rules to limit the days to just the Fourth of July and only until 11 p.m. Midnight is just too late.

They can make it effective by next year if they try to.

Since we have very limited law enforcement and volunteer firefighters,  now is the time to do it.

We can promote Whidbey as a safe, beautiful and tranquil place to visit for the holiday.

This would be a perfect time for the commissioners to show they can look out for the interests of all the residents — not just a few — of Island County.



Lola Miller
