Island Scanner: Oak Harbor Police Department

Oak Harbor Police Department

The following items were selected from reports made to the Oak Harbor Police Department:

Monday, June 14

At 6:41 p.m., a SE Fourth Avenue resident reported two juveniles entered her garage and they were going through her things.

At 6:20 p.m., a NW Seventh Avenue resident reported fumes were coming up from his drain.

At 2:51 p.m., a S. Oak Harbor Street resident reported his vehicle was keyed.

At 11:32 a.m., a caller reported a fight took place at the high school.

At 9:13 a.m., a caller reported a car collided with a pole on SE Regatta Drive.

At 8:23 a.m., a caller reported someone broke into a storage shed on NE Regatta Drive.

Sunday, June 13

At 7:06 p.m., a caller reported a truck was spilling fuel on Highway 20.

At 4:31 p.m., a caller reported someone was shooting an airsoft gun from a truck near the intersection of SE Midway Boulevard and SE Ninth Avenue.

At 2:31 p.m., a caller reported two men and one woman fighting at a Highway 20 location.

At 9:53 a.m., a caller reported her ex-husband pointed his finger like a gun at her.

At 9:16 a.m., a SW Quince Street resident reported a sickly dog keeps running into the garage.

At 2:50 a.m., a caller reported hearing gunshots near Highway 20.

At 2:23 a.m., a caller reported five people were in a W. Whidbey Avenue parking lot. They were wearing hoodies and asking for jumper cables.

At 12:16 a.m., a caller reported her car keys were stolen while she was at a SE Pioneer Way location.

Saturday, June 12

At 10:07 p.m., a caller reported two older women at a NE Ellis Way home were screaming at each other and throwing things.

At 9:06 p.m., a SW 19th Court resident reported a man knocked on the door, rang the doorbell and was standing in her bushes.

At 8:33 p.m., NW Longview Drive resident reported somebody egged the house.

At 7:49 p.m., a caller reported people lighting off fireworks at a NE 10th Avenue location.

At 2:08 p.m., an E. Whidbey Avenue resident reported finding a orange and white tabby cat.

At 7:51 a.m., a small child reported his 18-year-old sister is kind of wild and lost in the woods near Ernst Street.

Friday, June 11

At 5:14 p.m., a caller reported a car backed into her car and then drove away.

At 9:56 a.m., a SW Seventh Avenue resident reported a gray car ran over her cat.

At 8:45 a.m., a caller reported three men drinking beer near the restrooms at a S. Beeksma Drive location.

At 6 a.m., a caller reported someone busted an apartment window at an E. Whdibey Avenue location.