Island roads: Think safety, think Frostad

News-Times, Nov. 27: “Wider shoulders will put some distance between cars and pedestrians and bicyclists on the road.

News-Times, Nov. 27: “Wider shoulders will put some distance between cars and pedestrians and bicyclists on the road.

“The $2 million Bayview Road widening project is being undertaken primarily to satisfy safety considerations, according to Island County Engineer Dick Snyder.”

Dick, unless you’re driving a 6,000 pound SUV, Bayview Road is a safe, curvy, enjoyable route to take between Langley and the highway. If safety is the primary consideration for county road improvements projects, check conditions on Frostad Road. Don’t bother to consider installing raised sidewalks. Don’t think fancy. Think minimum standards. Area residents would greatly appreciate that repairs be made to Frostad’s shoulders that are crumbling away into infinity.

No house moving will be required, unless a car topples off of Frostad and lands on one before you and the county do put safety first.

Gary and JoAnne Blevins

Oak Harbor