Island County commissioners to switch meetings days in new year

Island County commissioners are moving forward with plans to move their regular weekly meeting from Mondays to Tuesdays.

Island County commissioners are moving forward with plans to move their regular weekly meeting from Mondays to Tuesdays.

Commissioner Helen Price Johnson, who will be chairing the board next year, said the change aims to improve access to information for both the public and for commissioners.

“Often our agendas don’t get posted until later in the week before,” Price Johnson said. “By delaying the meeting until Tuesday, we give a lot more opportunity for people to get questions answered or to get information and participate in the process.”

Price Johnson said it will also allow commissioners an extra day to meet with staff and research topics prior to the meeting.

The board agreed that the change would help them be better prepared for the meeting. Work sessions held starting at 9 a.m. on the first three Wednesdays of the month will remain the same.

In addition to the day change, commissioners will cease to hold a regular evening meeting the fourth Monday of each month. All meetings will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday unless they come upon a “sensitive or contentious issue” and the board decides an evening meeting is needed, according to Board Clerk Debbie Thompson.

Price Johnson said the board currently has “very little participation” in the evening meetings.

Thompson said she is working with the county prosecutor to prepare the necessary code change for the board to consider. Thompson said they are aiming to have the change in place in time to start holding meetings Tuesdays on Feb. 4.

As a result of the change, the Island County Planning Commission which usually meets at 9 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the Commissioners Hearing Room will need to reschedule as well.