Foreign affairs: Why support a guy like this?

This letter is in response to every single anti-war letter that has been printed in the Whidbey News Times. I am a sophomore attending Oak Harbor High School and I would like to ask the protesters of the war a few questions.

This letter is in response to every single anti-war letter that has been printed in the Whidbey News Times. I am a sophomore attending Oak Harbor High School and I would like to ask the protesters of the war a few questions.

Would you support a man that killed people who were not of this person’s ethic background, that has and used secret torture chambers where inhuman practices are used daily? Would you support a man who uses underground forces to tear families apart and kidnap and torture people that do not agree with the government and its dictator? A dictator who is slowly turning his country to a military ran society?

Would you support a man whose sole goal in life is to rid the world of a certain ethic group of a country on which the leader blames all its problems? A leader who, almost daily, threatened and persecuted citizens from neighboring countries and has used their own weapons against their own citizens numerous times?

Would you support a man that controls what was read, said, heard, and taught, controlling basically every aspect of life? Would you support a leader who violates the natural rights guaranteed to his country’s citizens? Would you support this kind of government?

The obvious answer is no, right? Since all these are crimes against humanity? Then, would you support removing this man from power and using all of the United States’ resources to remove this man from rule? Would you support removing and disarming him by force if need be? I ask one more question, remember what we (the United States) did to Germany during World War II? You probably are wondering why I mention World War II, especially against Germany. Well, all throughout this letter, you may have thought I was talking about Saddam but I’m talking about Hitler.

Lisa Lamson

Oak Harbor