Foreign affairs: This vetern opposes war

I am writing in response to a letter from one Sharon Johnson of Coupeville in which she referred to the peace demonstrators as “cowards” (News-Times, March 5).

I am writing in response to a letter from one Sharon Johnson of Coupeville in which she referred to the peace demonstrators as “cowards” (News-Times, March 5).

I am one of those demonstrators. Let me tell you about myself, Mrs. Johnson. I am a veteran of more than three years of service in the U.S. Navy during World War II. I don’t think that adds up to cowardice. I know other veterans who oppose this war.

I am not a pacifist. I do not oppose all wars, but I do oppose this one for two primary reasons:

1) I consider the doctrine of preemptive war to be dangerous and not in the American tradition.

2) The manner in which it was planned by a secret cabal of ultra conservative idealogues. Here I refer you to last October’s Harpers, to a recent Frontline presentation and even to last night’s tepid discussion by Ted Koppel. According to these sources a plan was developed by people in and out of government in the early 1990s to strengthen the military and establish American world domination. The architects of this plan according to the above sources were Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and others. I am sure you recognize the names.

This is a program for empire. If this is what you favor then write in support, but don’t call me a coward. Isn’t it possible to disagree without resorting to name calling?

Roland F. Gray

Oak Harbor