Feedback: One more and I quit

Just what did Jim Larsen’s column regarding microchipping family pets, then ultimately teenagers mean? I can't believe how something as innocent as microchipping a family pet turns into some sort of twisted science fiction column you created to do what, fill space?

Just what did Jim Larsen’s column regarding microchipping family pets, then ultimately teenagers mean? I can’t believe how something as innocent as microchipping a family pet turns into some sort of twisted science fiction column you created to do what, fill space?

I can’t believe that you actually hope to sell more copies of the local scandal sheet by writing such crap right above an order form for the Whidbey News-Times! I don’t know where you came from before, but I think that Oak Harbor just may be a little too tranquil for such “logical steps” that you write about.

Do me and probably the whole community a favor and put down your laptop and just concentrate on editing a local paper that has numerous spelling errors, misquotes, lack of factual basis and definite one-sided reporting. If I read another outrageous column from you in the News-Times, consider my subscription cancelled.

Harry Hawn
