Feathered friends also need help

People of Whidbey Island, a notice from your feathered friends. We have been quiet long enough, there are many of our kind in need of homes, we are a big commitment, we live long (in some cases as long as you), we are admittedly loud and messy and sometimes bite, hard, we require much attention and enrichment, not everyone meets our standards to be our companions.

People of Whidbey Island, a notice from your feathered friends. We have been quiet long enough, there are many of our kind in need of homes, we are a big commitment, we live long (in some cases as long as you), we are admittedly loud and messy and sometimes bite, hard, we require much attention and enrichment, not everyone meets our standards to be our companions.

That said it is a glaring oversight that you  provide for dogs and cats who have lost their homes but you do nothing for parrots, many of us who have gone to the trouble to learn your language. Show me the dog who has done that! We do not begrudge our furry friends this small allowance you have made for them but we need help, too.

Are there some among you who would be willing to help start a rescue for our brethren here on Whidbey? You can contact our slave, Pat, at 675-9164. Thank you for your indulgence:

Kiwi, Baby1, Baby2, Julius, Gringo, Charlie,Bandit, Snoop, Hooligan, and many more.