FAITHFUL LIVING: Church families on Whidbey are dynamic and fun

It is always the smell that awakens my senses first —

It is always the smell that awakens my senses first — that steamy scent of chlorine that gently infiltrates my nose when I walk through the doors. Then it’s my sense of touch when I am called upon to hold a moist beach towel and wipe down damp arms and legs. Finally it’s the squeaky sound of bathing suits adhering to wet legs and damp feet walking in flip-flops that takes me back decades to my own summer vacations.

It’s the second day of summer and already we are talking about swimming lessons. Only this time I am the financier, the bus drive, and the encourager — for my son who wants to attend summer camp later this summer being a strong swimmer. My own memories and my son’s lessons will bond our separate childhood experiences into one well of understanding from which we can drink whenever we so desire.

Yet as I watch, among an audience of parents, grandparents, and siblings at the public pool, I am impressed by how much better swimming lessons are today than when I was a mere tadpole. In the 36 years since I first entered a pool, I can see that we have not only improved our teaching methods but have finally embraced the notion that if kids have fun they will want to learn. Hopefully they will venture into the water with greater courage.

I am not clear exactly how old I was when my mother decided I needed to be water safe, but I recall the chlorine, the puddles of cold water polka-dotting the pool deck and the uncontrollable shivering. And I recall the terror.

According to verifiable family sources, I climbed on the head of my first instructor and held on with all my might. And no wonder. Swimming lessons were held in a chilly outdoor pool in 4 feet of water. A large mural declaring, “There is no gain without pain” loomed overhead. Instructors crooned, “You have nothing to be afraid of. The water is your friend.”

They were a good group of people. One of the instructors as I recall was a star swimmer on the high school’s varsity swim team and she worked with me until I relaxed and discovered that indeed, the water would hold me up. But today, as I watch darling little bodies hurry over to eagerly greet their young swimming instructors, I realize this is one of several arenas that have vastly improved over the years. The good old days of swimming were not the best of days. New approaches can be better than old ones.

My favorite arena where I see vast improvement is church. It’s a new day in so many ways. We church folks are finally getting the idea. With a variety of first-rate opportunities, providing families experiences to grow and friends to meet, we are able to pass on the good news that God is alive and available to each one of us — whoever we are and no matter how troubled our past or present may be.

What is going on inside churches this summer? Worship bands are playing or choirs singing. You choose. Kids are having a ball attending vacation Bible schools because they will be exposed to new songs, skits, crafts, and creative snacks. Church libraries are providing the latest in life-guiding materials free of charge. Youth groups are meeting together on a weekly basis and planning not only summer camp outings but mission trips to nearby countries. A growing number of churches are offering Saturday evening worship services so families can play together in an uninterrupted manner all day Sunday. They are also offering exercise sessions to Christian music, socials for singles and Christian baseball leagues for those who are inspired by the Mariners and want nothing more than to go throw a ball and run some bases. There are weddings, baptisms, baby showers, counseling sessions and funerals being planned. There are also teas and potlucks and finance meetings. Best of all, there is a growing notion that the isolation many of us feel can be relieved in part by developing family-like relationships with other believers.

Church life — filled with people, the spirit of God, and a host of opportunities — is becoming the foundation of family life for a whole lot of us. It is innovative and fun. Better than in days gone by.

Come dive in!

Contact Joan Bay Klope at