Environmental: Do your part in salmon recovery

The public comment period for the Island County Salmon Recovery Plan ends soon.

The public comment period for the Island County Salmon Recovery Plan ends soon. I urge all citizens interested in the future of wild salmon to read the plan and offer comments to the plan before this deadline. The plan can be viewed at: www.islandcounty.net/health/Envh/WRAC/WRAC%20Main.htm, comments should be sent to Kim Bredensteiner at kimb@co.island.wa.us or mailed to Kim at Island County Public Works, PO Box 5000, Coupeville, WA  98239.

County staff, the citizen Water Resource Advisory Committee, and technical advisors have been working very hard to develop a plan tailored to the importance of Island County’s nearshore habitat, which is essential for many stocks of salmon who depend upon Island County shorelines and estuaries during several important life stages, and your input is needed.

Salmon are not only the icon of the Pacific Northwest, they are the lifeblood of humans and hundreds of other species who rely on them for survival, such as the Southern Resident Orca Community, whose population has suffered along with the decline of salmon in their habitat.

It is our responsibility to work hard to reverse the damage done to the amazing salmon who once filled even little Maxwelton Creek to the brim, the salmon who have played an important part in our history, culture, recreation, and economy. We would like to see the day when family fishing resorts such as Cama Beach return, along with salmon runs plentiful enough for all creatures who love and depend on the salmon. Please do your part by reading the plan and offering your comments.

Susan Berta

Orca Network
