Eliminating RV park far from a good idea | Letter

I, like many others, do not like the latest program to change Oak Harbor and spend our tax money.


I, like many others, do not like the latest program to change Oak Harbor and spend our tax money.

The remodeling of Windjammer Park and removal of the RV park is far from a good idea.

The RV park attracts many visitors. A few months ago there was an article in the Whidbey News-Times stating that the park brings in about $80,000 a year. Added to that, the money spent in grocery stores, gas stations and other shopping will be a big loss to Oak Harbor.

Why stop in Oak Harbor for a few days if there is no place to park?

For years there was a car show in the park. My husband always joined the hundreds of other car fans and strolled through the park looking at over 200 cars from many parts of Washington, other states and countries.

He got into vehicle talks with those visiting owners.

One thing they all had in common, this car show was on grass and by a waterfront with trees. Not on concrete surrounded by a bunch of buildings.

Those visitors put a lot of money into Oak Harbor.

Carol Travis

Oak Harbor