Drug take-back a big success

Apparently Whidbey Island residents keep a lot of unwanted pills in their medicine cabinets. Island County Sheriff Mark Brown reported that the drug “Take-Back Day” was an unimpaired success.

Apparently Whidbey Island residents keep a lot of unwanted pills in their medicine cabinets.

Island County Sheriff Mark Brown reported that the drug “Take-Back Day” was an unimpaired success. The federal Drug Enforcement Administration is teaming up with law enforcement across the country to recover unwanted pills.

More than 300 pounds of drugs were turned in on Whidbey Island Sept. 25. Lt. John Dyer accepted 200 pounds of prescription and over-the-counter drugs in Oak Harbor. Marshal Dave Penrod took in 30 pounds in Coupeville. Sheriff Brown received 72 pounds at a collection site on South Whidbey.

“People brought in everything from Oxycontin to Robitussin,” Brown said.

The purpose of the program is to get the unwanted drugs out of homes in order to prevent prescription drug abuse and accidental poisoning. Overdoses on prescription drugs is the No. 1 cause of death in children. Also, the pills can contaminate water if not disposed of properly.

Brown said he will send the drugs to the DEA, which will incinerate the medicine. He hopes the success of the program will prompt the federal government to create a convenient drop-off spot on the island.