Births on Whidbey Island

The following babies were recently born on Whidbey Island:

The following babies were recently born on Whidbey Island:

Whidbey General Hospital

DESTINY JASMINE GAILEY, 8 pounds, 10 ounces, was born July 1. She is the daughter of Germelyn and Derek Gailey of Oak Harbor.

Naval Hospital Oak Harbor

JOSEPH RAYMOND CRANE, 8 pounds, 6 ounces, was born June 19. He is the son of Robert and Teresa Crane.

GREYSON DANIEL MCGUINNESS, 7 pounds, 13.5 ounces, was born June 26. He is the sone of Matthew and Lauren McGuinness.

AMELIA ZARA NAVARRO, 5 pounds, was born July 3. She is the daughter of Andrew and Renelen Navarro.