Back to the robber barons

Wisconsin’s Gov. Walker won the election in November, and now the voters in Wisconsin are having buyers’ remorse. He had a balanced budget until he gave big tax cuts to business, so now he has to find the money by forcing concessions on the public employees of the state. However, that is not enough; he also wants to strip them of their bargaining rights under the pretense of a budget crisis.

Wisconsin’s Gov. Walker won the election in November, and now the voters in Wisconsin are having buyers’ remorse. He had a balanced budget until he gave big tax cuts to business, so now he has to find the money by forcing concessions on the public employees of the state. However, that is not enough; he also wants to strip them of their bargaining rights under the pretense of a budget crisis.

Unions of public employees are not the problem. Take away unions and we are back to the robber baron days of late 1800s. One only has to go back and re-read “The Jungle” to clearly see how business will exploit workers to get every drop of profit.

Unions forced government and business to give all American workers, public and private, unionized and not, safe work places, labor laws that protect children, women and minorities, a 40 hour work week, paid vacations, and maternity leave. Strip unions of their right to bargain and we will go back to sweatshops of 100 years ago for all workers.

Jane Jaehning
Oak Harbor