Aliens land at OLF Coupeville

Legitimizing dozens of UFO sightings over the years, an alien aircraft landed at the Navy’s Outlying Field in Coupeville late Monday night. Some Whidbey residents have long insisted that UFOs have been visible in the night sky.

Legitimizing dozens of UFO sightings over the years, an alien aircraft landed at the Navy’s Outlying Field in Coupeville late Monday night.

Some Whidbey residents have long insisted that UFOs have been visible in the night sky.

“I’ve been trying to communicate with a blinky thing flying through sky for several years,” said a man wearing a “I want to believe” T-shirt who did not wish to be named.

“I’m glad to see they finally heard me.”

The Navy said they are in communication with the aliens.

“The aliens come in peace,” said the Navy’s public information officer Mike Welding. “I don’t, however, recommend feeding them or getting them wet. Remember the whole ‘Gremlins’ debacle of 1984.”

UFO authorities said residents should report any urges to build hills out of mashed potatoes or if they see pairs of men in black wearing Ray-bans.

The Navy received several noise complaints.