
Why I Ride: Young Professional Returns to Camano – Takes Island Transit to Work

Bree, a young professional, grew up on Camano but then left to seek other opportunities. After being away for years, Bree was looking for a comfortable place to land. Camano Island and the rural community with its natural beauty, friendly people, and relaxed pace felt good to her.

Since she has been back she has been using the bus to get to work in downtown Seattle. She takes Island Transit from West Camano to Stanwood and then switches to Community Transit for the rest of the trip.

Comparing the two transit systems, she says they’re like “completely different animals.” Thinking about it a little more, she adds, “Island Transit drivers are so friendly. Everyone is super friendly. The driver and other passengers look out for each other.”

Bree worked part time during the pandemic but is back to full-time hours now. The morning bus isn’t early enough for her schedule but she catches Island Transit in the afternoon. It’s a long commute. Asked how she uses her time on the bus, she says she reads, listens to podcasts and check emails.

She sees the same friendly faces each day and is getting to know her fellow bus commuters. Camano is a small island with a strong sense of community.

“They know my parents and ask how they’re doing.” They’re not in a hurry. “Once they stopped for a dog in the road and then tried to find its owner,” she says.

And the bus operators are very helpful, Bree says. “If the timing is close they call ahead to make sure I make my bus connections. It’s nice that they all meet at Terry’s Corner at 45 minutes after the hour.”

READ MORE: Transit Tours: Fun, Entertaining and Community Building

READ MORE: Building a Community, Making Friends, and Meeting New People

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