Learn to identify Whidbey’s birds

Whidbey Audubon’s popular Birds Of Whidbey series of classes will be offered again starting on Sept. 6 and ending in May of 2013. The course will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Freeland on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 9 p.m.

Whidbey Audubon’s popular Birds Of Whidbey series of classes will be offered again starting on Sept. 6 and ending in May of 2013. The course will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Freeland on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 9 p.m.

A follow-up field trip will take place once a month on Saturday morning led by Whidbey Audubon’s experienced and eccentric birders.

The fee is $150 for Whidbey Audubon Society members and $175 for nonmembers, which includes nine issues of Shorelines, the organization’s newsletter.

Fees may be paid in two payments but must be paid in full by Sept. 6 to be in the class. The class is already half full, so don’t delay.

More information is available on their chapter website. To register or ask questions about the class, contact Anna Swartz at annas@whidbey.com or 206-293-3916.