Coupeville High School drama students perform

This weekend and next, the Coupeville High School Wolf PAC Theatre Troupe presents, “The Night I Died at the Palace Theatre,” a comedic mystery by Pat Cook.

This weekend and next, the Coupeville High School Wolf PAC Theatre Troupe presents, “The Night I Died at the Palace Theatre,” a comedic mystery by Pat Cook.

The story begins as the Palace Theatre actors are just getting ready to rehearse the final scene for their latest production, “I Ain’t Got No Body.” But they run into a snag. The director who wrote the play is found dead on stage. Character Lois is shocked into an allergy attack, Ava faints and Luther orders a pizza. There’s a lot of disbelief among the troupe until it becomes quite evident that director Dexter Allen has, indeed, shuffled off this mortal coil. But, not only that, he also owed several of the actors a lot of money.

Focused on the art of the actor, this production involves a cast and crew of 20, including: Shannon Boyer, Evan Chiles, Josh Cooke, Demi Dohner, Leanna Franklin, Meghan Moody, Brian Norris, Megan Oakes, Briess Potter, Sarah Potts, Katie Reid, Dani Rickard, Honour Rische, Aaron Thorn, Kevin Thorn, Bryan Verble, Isaac Wacker and KT Wynn.

Performances are Nov. 6 at 7 p.m., Nov. 7 at 2 p.m., Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. and Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center at Coupeville Middle/High School. General admission is $5; $3 for children and students with ASB cards. Tickets can be purchased at the door.