Why doesn’t Oak Harbor use all of its elementary schools


If Oak Harbor is so tight for school space, why are we wasting the resources we have? I probably don’t understand everything going on, but it seems that, if we have too many elementary students, then we should use all of the elementary schools we pay for.

I understand one is used for a few home-school students. Give them a wing or a few cubicles, but if they are to be home-schooled, why am I paying for it with my tax dollars?

If we were to use that elementary school we could relieve the rest of the school district overpopulation by putting the sixth and seventh grades in one middle school, then eighth and ninth in the other, thus reducing the numbers in each school all the way up through the high school.

That would give us a few years to come up with a long-term solution for a never-ending problem of population growth.

Ave Kemper

Oak harbor