I recently received a very disturbing solicitation/support letter from Angie Homola re-election campaign. The opening paragraph contains not so subtle allegations that border on accusations of illicit behavior of our county commissioners in the past and the probability of that same illicit behavior being resurrected if Ms. Homola is defeated.
I quote from the very first paragraph commencing with the second sentence of that document, “If Angie is defeated the ‘Old Guard’ regime will reign again. Local government will revert to the days when select pockets were filled and citizens at large paid the price.”
The solicitation goes on from there to provide a significant misquote from a fellow commissioner. This is precisely the “over the top” disgusting sort of rhetoric of personal destruction in the form of innuendo, accusation and misquotation that is destructive of our elective process.
If Ms. Homola has proof of “select pockets” being “filled” in the past and/or the probable filling of pockets in the future, I believe that she should provide that proof openly and publish the proof in this paper. If she has no such proof I call for her open and public withdrawal and apology, in this publication, for making and/or allowing such ugly rhetoric into her campaign. In fact the withdrawal and apology should also be delivered to every door to which the original solicitation was delivered.
Frankly, if she does not address this issue publicly and openly it is my considered recommendation that any support for her by anyone on any level should be seriously reconsidered. The very least we deserve and must insist on in our government officials is open forthrightness and honestly — whether we agree with their opinions or not.
David Harrington
Oak Harbor