I don’t believe that it is helpful for folks that live in other towns to advocate for Oak Harborites to…
We wish that we could vote for Jim Palmer, but unfortunately we live outside the city limits. We have known…
A Town Council workshop was held in the Rec Hall on June 21 to meet with the Department of Ecology…
Thank you, Jim Palmer, for running for Oak Harbor City Council. I have known Jim through business and service organizations…
I live in Bellingham now after spending 25 years on Whidbey and my husband was retired and also a Vietnam…
A big thank you to our local Oak Harbor firefighters who scooped and scraped the overflow waters off the Barrington…
Harbor Haven is pleased to announce a “Good Works” grant from Wal-Mart of Oak Harbor for $500. The check was…
On May 23, Kim and Kailee Gieratz lost everything in a devastating house fire. Thanks to Bill Young, they are…
This letter is in reference to the July 4 Whidbey News-Times article titled, “A Ferry interesting history,” on page A2….
Regarding Ray Rasmussen’s letter, “We should not impose our will.” (News-Times, July 7.) I’m not the biggest fan of the…
As I was reading our little town’s newspaper I was disappointed with the events we have to offer here in…
I have known Clay Miller for five years, having worked with him professionally, and consider him a friend. But I…
A sincere “Thank you” to the gentleman and lady in the blue scrubs, who showed kindness and came forth to…