Overjoyed to hear that base is doing well | Letter

Editor, Having gone through the fight of keeping Whidbey Island Naval Air Station off the base closure list in the not too distant past, I was overjoyed by the article in Saturday’s paper.


Having gone through the fight of keeping Whidbey Island Naval Air Station off the base closure list in the not too distant past, I was overjoyed by the article in Saturday’s paper.

This is some of the best news for the people of Oak Harbor in a long time, the jobs and the economy will be stable it appears for the foreseeable future.

However that does not mean we should let our guard down. There are forces at work that would love to throw a monkey wrench in that plan and we all know who I am talking about — COER.

They will stop at nothing to see OF Coupeville closed and NAS Whidbey right behind it. I urge and remind all those concerned to keep writing our representatives let them know that NAS Whidbey is well appreciated and that the community stands behind it and every sailor and dependent stationed here.

Mike Van Voorst

Oak Harbor