No insurance? Help’s available

In regards to the article (Whidbey News-Times, April 14) about Hayden and his need for surgery and no insurance: The first statement in the article taken from the Internet version states, “Millions of hardworking Americans live without health insurance, hoping, praying and knocking-on-wood that nobody gets sick, especially one of the kids.”

It is too bad someone didn’t do some research and print how can those without health insurance be helped. What resources are out there for the one or even two income families without health insurance?

Did you know April 23 to 29 is “Cover the Uninsured Week 2007”? The Web site is www.coverthe Also, did you know that the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner has information on programs that can be sent to inform folks about their options for health insurance at or by calling 1-800-562-6900.

They also have a free service called SHIBA (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors) HelpLine. These are volunteers trained by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner. They do not sell anything nor do they have any affiliation with any insurance company. They will sit and help people one on one know their options. You can find the local sponsor and a volunteer by calling 1-800-562-6900. Or you can call one of the following local numbers to make an appointment with a SHIBA HelpLine volunteer. For North Whidbey, call the Oak Harbor Senior Center at 279-4580. For South Whidbey call 360-321-1600.

Please help get the word out about the options that may help insure those who have none.

Joann Hoover

Oak Harbor