Insurance was offered to family

Thank you for publishing such a nice article in the April 14 edition of the Whidbey News-Times about a young boy who is facing a scary medical crisis. I especially appreciated the nice picture you included of Hayden and his dad. His bright-eyes were well-captured in the photo. I hope that Hayden and his family receive all of the prayers and assistance they need to get through this scary medical crisis.

I would like to point out a couple clarifications to your article. Service Alternatives does offer many employee benefits to our employees and health insurance is just one of many benefits offered. Our health insurance is also extended to the dependents of our employees. Hayden’s mom elected to not cover her son on our health plan for personal reasons.

Please keep Hayden and his folks in your thoughts and prayers as they face this crisis.

Jill J. Sieffert, director, Human Resources

Service Alternatives, Inc.

(Editor’s note: The story also incorrectly stated that insurance was not available through the father’s employer, Grand Rod & Tackle. In fact, that company insures all employees and also offers them the option of family coverage. We regret publishing incorrect information.)