Divert funds to save our kids

One of the most upsetting headlines on your paper occurred in the April 18 issue of the News-Times: “18 teaching jobs slashed.”

I don’t even have children and this is upsetting to me. Why, as a community, are we allowing this to happen? I realize that there are budget issues and low enrollment, but when I hear of less than worthy land acquisitions, high school remodeling and road lowering, I just want to shake someone! How in the world are we putting these expenses before our children’s future?

I found this message on the Oak Harbor Middle School Web site, “Schulte also pointed out that the new stadium and the Oak Harbor High School modernization are not related to the budget shortfall and have no impact on the general fund budget. The stadium and high school are supported by bonds and capital projects funds. By law, the capital projects fund and operations (the general fund) are separate. The district cannot take from one to pay for the other.”

I heavily disagree — money is money and our children are suffering now more than ever in their ability to get a full education. Let us have a vote to divert these funds to save our kids.

Also, I must mention that your children’s teachers are pulling from their own pocket to purchase items for the classrooms. Such things like copies are limited to a certain number per month. Textbooks are not allowed to be brought home and are shared from class to class. This is preposterous! When will we reshape our educational system to reflect our pride in our nations future? How can we have a deficit when we all pay taxes towards education and population in Island County is higher than ever? We vote to support improvements but are not made aware of the impending doom of schools and jobs. I am absolutely positive that if these issues were posted at the same time we would have a different outcome. I am saddened, ashamed and sickened with a system that does not support a child’s ability to succeed.

Virginia de long

Oak Harbor