In Oak Harbor, moms go crazy

Ken Burdon’s letter (News-Times, Feb. 28) was right on. There is nothing for kids in Oak Harbor. There’s a bunch of mediocre restaurants and a handful of variety stores. But what are all the moms of young children doing three seasons of the year? Either sitting in their houses going crazy or driving 45 minutes to get to some sanity off island where there’s a mall, a children’s museum, and an indoor playland.

Here in Oak Harbor, there is absolutely nothing to do with toddlers unless the weather is nice. I’ve gone to the pool, but with a toddler and baby, it’s impossible unless someone comes with me. There’s not even an indoor McDonald’s play area for crying out loud!

I can only do so much finger painting and play-dough playing. Story time at the library is once a week unless they’re “taking a break.” That’s one huge problem with this town. And you can’t tell me the demand isn’t there with the constant influx of military families.

No wonder anti-depression drug use is on the rise. There are very few outlets that help moms to love and spend time with their children, when all they need is to exercise some large muscle groups during the inclement weather days.

So, in summary, what would make Oak Harbor great? Three things: 1: Instead of Walgreens, a children’s museum or indoor gym of some sort for kids. 2: I noticed Kmart is leasing their space. We need a Ross or TJ Maxx! The only options for clothes here is Wal-Mart or the boutiques downtown. 3: Finally, why in the world is their no donut shop on this island! They would make a ton of money with the chilly weather and all the servicemembers headed for the base.

So Oak Harbor is going to continue going down the drain if the needs and wants of the people aren’t met. Think of the children… please!

Rose Clark

Oak Harbor