Two professors, an anti-Navy-jet consultant, a bright-eyed grad student and three activists walk into a bar. So begins the setup to the supposed University of Washington’s noise study and “best available science.”
I took the UW survey. Interestingly, you needed a secret code to get in that was assigned by UW. I tried my zip code and got in to take the survey. It was clear in the manner that UW asked every question, they had created their position, then wrote the questions around that position. All answer options degrees of negative about jet noise.
I love seeing Navy jets in formation. The same is true for everyone I know, even the tourists I have met love to see the jets flying in formation.
A UW publicity piece (News-Medical) for the “study” stated the co-author (and activist) retired on Whidbey to a “three-story house, surrounded by trees and shoreline.” Retired here, then demand the Navy leave. Really?
UW seems to support the stereotypes with high dollar water views, while undermining one of the most flourishing, healthy and diverse rural communities in Washington.
In the UW study they overlaid a noise map over population areas, then used every random noise and health citation they could find on Google. Some were even circular, self-citations. Activism, yes. Self-aggrandizement, yes. Dissemination of real information from a scientific study, no!
UW promotes the activists noise modeling while discounting the Navy model. The Navy model has been used by the courts, time and again. Their model was overruled.
Far from “best available science,” this is at best a bad joke.
We have a very healthy island, but if the jets go away, so do much of our school dollars, much of our island health care, and more. However, the expensive, privileged, water views will remain. We love Navy jets and our community. The fact everyone needs the jets to keep us safe is no joke.
Terry Sparks
Oak Harbor