Change city’s name to ‘Dudley Harbor?’ | Letter

Editor, Our elected officials go behind closed doors and plan the execution of the very symbol of Oak Harbor. They destroyed the “oak.”


Our elected officials go behind closed doors and plan the execution of the very symbol of Oak Harbor.

They destroyed the “oak.”

Just think, that tree was looking down over the harbor for more than 100 years before Lewis and Clark came west.

Well, they have done their dirty deed. The “oak” of Oak Harbor is gone. Shall we rename our city Dudley Harbor?

We no longer have the “oak,” but we still have the “Dudley.”

They used the excuse someone might get hurt by falling apart. Are they going to close down all vehicle traffic because someone might get hurt in a hit and run accident. Are our leaders going to cushion our streets and sidewalks because someone might stumble and fall?

Our city engineers should have installed “fall proof” sidewalks with all these people walking down the street playing with their cell phones and not watching where they are going.

Who will they sue when they run into a light pole? Hank Williams had a hit song, “I Saw the Light,” but I don’t think this is what he was talking about.

Robert D. Brown

Oak Harbor