Benghazi’ letter rife with fiction | Letter

Editor, I object to Robert D. Brown’s fiction regarding “Obama’s failure on display with Benghazi” letter to the editor.


I object to Robert D. Brown’s fiction regarding “Obama’s failure on display with Benghazi” letter to the editor.

First, the letter had nothing to do with Benghazi, but it’s so much fun to say I can see why the editor put it in the title.

It piqued my interest that the president was quoted as saying “We should not be too fast in judging the accused.”

Although it’s a reasonable statement since the accused hadn’t been tried, it didn’t pass the smell test. He didn’t say it. I checked the speech’s transcript.

He did however say, “Justice awaits the killer.”

Continuing my Fort Hood education, I learned the president first commented on the shooting on Nov. 5, two days before it happened.

That can’t be right, but it is. It didn’t happen Nov. 7 as the letter stated.

Thousands of troops were lined were lined up in perfect formation as he gave his propaganda pitch.

There were thousands gathered. Some were in what appeared to be an at rest formation. Many thousands of others were standing, seated in chairs or sitting on the ground.

Obama spoke from a podium, without a teleprompter, there were no troops marching in formation to review.

According to GOP leader Rush Limbaugh: Obama’s Fort Hood Memorial speech was “empty” and “meaningless.”

Chuck Todd saw things differently saying, “That’s going to be a speech that’s remembered and quoted from for quite some time; struck a balance of commander and consoler; not easy.”

I guess what you think about his speech has to do with perspective. Haters hear “blah, blah, blah, propaganda.” Reasonable people hear something else. The speech is easily viewed online.

The president postponed his Asian trip to speak at the eulogy five days after the shootings.

I try to tune out the garbage and not respond hoping most people will also filter out the cranks. There are too many fictions in this one to ignore.

Did any Obama haters notice the congressional GOP faked Benghazi emails? Another non-scandal brought to you by the conservative noise machine.

As Michelle Bachman replied while running away from a reporter questioning her about Obama fabrications in her CPAC speech, “… Benghazi!”

I wish Obama haters luck with their newest IRS non-scandal and may they have a Benghazi day.

Walt Mistler

Oak Harbor