Americans should act like Christians

Bob Dylan on his album “Infidels,” keenly observed: “They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings.” I can’t help but notice the constant spate of letters by people feeling they are the “Lone Patriots” fighting for our nation. (“Enjoying your fantasy land?,” by Ty Welch)

Bob Dylan on his album “Infidels,” keenly observed: “They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings.”

I can’t help but notice the constant spate of letters by people feeling they are the “Lone Patriots” fighting for our nation. (“Enjoying your fantasy land?,” by Ty Welch)

Be it the Tea Party, Republican, or Democratic parties, Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition or Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition, etc., many come from positions of Christian faith and they use that faith to justify their patriotic position.

Here’s the rub: Faithful Christians are attacking faithful Christians because of different takes on justice and equity. “Faithful Christians” are often acting out in angry, un-Christian like diatribes against brothers and sisters and the very people Jesus was crucified for.

It seems to me that Christian people need to decide if they are Americans first or Christians first. American Christians attack others and change policy from the top down. Christian Americans act humbly and live the change they want to create. It changed first century Rome, why not 21t Century America?

Scott Scrimshaw
New Mexico