Luminaria bags still available

The North Whidbey Relay for Life has available Luminaria bags in the following categories:

• “In Celebration of” — for those who have survived cancer.
• “For the Fight of” — for those who are currently fighting cancer.
• “In Memory of” — for those who have lost their battle with cancer.
• Blank — for those who prefer to write what they wish.

Luminaria Memory Torches with an etched plaque are also available and will have a special place of honor during the ceremony.

Anyone donating for the torches and plaques will be allowed to take them home on June 4.

Donations for Luminaria bags will be taken until 9:30 p.m., Friday, June 3.

Memory Torch requests must be received by Tuesday, May 31, to allow time for the plaques to be made.

The Luminaria Ceremony will begin at 10 p.m., Friday, June 3
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