Amateur radio kids’ day

“CQ, CQ, CQ this is W7UMX Kids day…”

Naval Air Station Whidbey Island MARS/Amateur radio station will once again participate in the annual American Radio Relay League’s Kids’ Day operation on Saturday, June 18.

Children of all ages are welcome to attend from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Building 13 on the Seaplane Base. Kids will have a chance to operate the radios and computers to talk with other radio stations throughout the country.

Organizers say several children participated last year and made contacts.

Kids’ Day is meant to encourage young people (licensed or not) to have fun with amateur radio, and is designed to give on-the-air experience to youngsters and hopefully foster an interest in getting their own license.

Those interested may call 257-8038 or 969-2496 for information.