New sign missing ‘America’s best’ | Letter

Editor, Several years ago, my daughter and son-in-law were visiting from Ireland. I needed to get something from the store, and Paul said, “great, we’ll go to America’s best, then?” I had no idea what he was talking about.


Several years ago, my daughter and son-in-law were visiting from Ireland. I needed to get something from the store, and Paul said, “great, we’ll go to America’s best, then?” I had no idea what he was talking about.

When we pulled into Safeway’s parking lot, Paul lit up and said “Aye, great, this is America’s best.”

I looked up at the sign over the store and, sure enough, it said “Safeway, America’s Best.”

I had just never noticed, but you can imagine my disappointment today when I drove into Safeway’s new parking lot and the “America’s Best” is gone from their sign. Paul will be even more disappointed on his next visit.

Pat Wallace

Oak Harbor